Lawyer back is one of the most admired careers. But while it does have many advantages, it is also one of the most difficult jobs around. Follow this top 10 worst sides of this golden skinned craft.


Stress to spare


We see you coming: “Yes, but all jobs are stressful…” Certainly, but being a lawyer means meeting the deadline, facing the pressure caused by billable hours, client requests, legal reforms, competition, pressure to defend a guilty man… the list of seeds of stress for lawyers is very long!


A permanent schedule


A 2015 statistical study revealed that the hourly volume of more than half of practicing lawyers exceeded 40 hours per week. Worse yet, the heaviest among them can make it past 70 hours a week. Who should we accuse? The answer seems obvious: the system of the trade which promotes excessive competition as well as being available on the cell phone at any time of the day and week.


A demoralizing reality


The first points discussed above generally lead to a strong dissatisfaction of vigilante bureaucrats with regard to their profession. To confirm this, according to a recent poll, lawyers were found to be among those with the highest rates of suicide and addiction to hallucinogens.


Expensive studies


With the exception of Quebec, legal training is generally expensive. In England, some law schools raise the bar to 10,000 pounds. All this without counting any additional studies…. But rest assured, lawyers still receive a little more than the average for other employees.


Ubiquitous competition


It makes sense: the number of practicing lawyers is increasing, while available positions are increasingly scarce. This state of affairs brings some frustration, because in order to practice, lawyers charge less, ask for more availability and increase working hours.


Pressure from customers


It is a sweet illusion to believe that discussions around salary with clients will be brief and concise. Each time clients object to the amount estimated by the lawyer, and the lawyer must each time justify these amounts. We note the high frequency of frequent actions, both in large firms and in small ones.


The law, out of control


The profession of lawyer is constantly evolving. Positive or negative, not much is known. However, it must be recognized that lawyers no longer have control over the law, while resources are more and more abundant such as legal sites, virtual law offices or legal amateurs. For consolation, lawyers are still reserved certain acts.


The problem of technology


Here again, the problem is not just lawyers. Although technological innovation simplifies the work of the lawyer, the latter is obliged to familiarize himself with it. Add to that the purchase of many software fundamental to its trade.




Outsourcing of legal procedures


This is no longer just a trend: it is the reality of the legal world. The work is outsourced to foreign countries. The latter employ workers with little funding, but who are limited or displaced.


A tarnished image


At the expense of the jokes that are made around the subject, we realize that the legal profession has a rather bleak image for the public. Lawyers are indeed one of the most hated people. Without forgetting the stories of fraud, the exaggerated fees ...


This short list does not pretend to encompass all the disadvantages of being a lawyer, but suggests a certain awareness of these people. Too often we criticize them for one reason or another, but would we be able to endure for one day what they endure their entire careers?


Pay attention to fees


Clients tend to compare lawyers using these fees and when the fee schedules are consistent, many choose the competition. The best solution is to make a quote since all cases are different. You only need to know how much a lawyer earns to be able to accurately determine the asking prices.


It is important to know that the fees are not fixed and these prices are often put forward before tax.

You must therefore add 20% each time, which necessarily increases the amount of the benefit.

Several billing methods are generally offered, this can also affect a lawyer’s salary.

It is important to note that the most renowned lawyers are not necessarily the ones with the highest prices. Of course, their remuneration is often


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