Did you know that almost a third of lawyers stop practicing before their tenth year in the profession?

Because they are often discouraged by the precariousness at the start of their career or the significant energy that the position requires to always stay in the race.

Here are the 6 trades you could consider doing if you ever feel like making a change.




According to a report on the future of the legal profession, submitted to the Chancellery in February 2017, 30% of them leave the legal profession within ten years of their career. There are many reasons for these legal professionals to abandon the dress. Most of them mention in particular the lack of remuneration for their personal investment. In addition, they cite increasingly fierce competition with an ever increasing number of lawyers in the market.


Thus, nearly 3% of lawyers registered with the Paris Bar choose to leave the profession each year. The Paris Bar Association thus estimates the annual number of voluntary departures at 850 lawyers. Without knowing what became of them. The lawyer is limited, in his request for voluntary omission, to indicate reasons of "personal convenience".


So if you too are about to take the plunge, here are a few jobs you might consider doing that use your former legal profession as an asset.


Lawyer, become a corporate lawyer, manager or legal director.

The corporate world is attracting more and more lawyers. As recruiters in the legal professions, consultants are regularly called upon by lawyers wishing to leave the liberal to join the salaried workforce, mainly in business. So, when you are a lawyer, applying for a position as a corporate lawyer, manager or even legal director, depending on your level of experience and your expertise, can lead to a favorable outcome. Indeed, the title of lawyer, although secondary, is an undeniable asset. It is a guarantee of reliability in the minds of recruiters, but also of editorial quality and thoroughness.


Concerning the candidate, the advantages of salaried employment will also be numerous. Normal office hours, paid vacations and RTT, a thirteenth month and support for the mutual, and not least a correct retirement. Another significant advantage: once you leave your office, make way for your personal and family life. Out! The fear of being called at three in the morning. Or that the next day you are criticized for not having seen your message.


Finally, for the more careerists, good legal careers are possible in companies and multiple evolutions. And even though you will rarely be given the highest positions straight away, remember that nearly two-thirds of the legal directors of the CAC 40 have, at one time or another, gone through a law firm.


Target positions: Real estate lawyer, insurance lawyer, banking lawyer, labor law lawyer, company law lawyer, etc.


Lawyer, become Magistrate.

Another choice is for a lawyer wishing to change professions to move to the other side of the court. That is, to become an official of the Ministry of Justice. The National School of Magistracy is in fact opening a 4th competition for lawyers. To take the competitive examination, you must have 7 years of experience as a lawyer and be at least 35 years old.


Far from being a cushy function, being a magistrate is no less very exciting. The big trials are yours. Here it will no longer be a question of convincing but rather of being convinced.


Lawyer, become a Notary.

Want to hang up the dress to become a notary? This possibility is in fact provided for by article 4 of decree n ° 73-609 of July 5, 1973. It is conditional on a knowledge test and a certain number of years of experience.


Unlike the legal profession, coveted by students from their first year of university, the function of a notary is one that we always imagine handed down from father to son. It’s not quite so. Thus, once installed, the function of notary can be very profitable and low risk. Touching on several areas of law (real estate law, family law, etc.), diversity is in the spotlight and human relations are commonplace. More in counseling, the approach to law will prove to be different and just as stimulating. The key is to join the right study in order to make your nest.


Become a legal administrator.

Did you think about integrating a judicial administrator study? This legal professional is a legal representative. He is neither a civil servant nor a state agent, but an independent professional. Recently,


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