عن الصحة بالانجليزي
جمل عن الصحة بالانجليزي
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تعبير عن الامراض بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الطعام الصحي بالانجليزي قصير


water is considered the second most important thing to live after oxygen, because it is involved in all the processes of individual life that we carry out in our body. Our body weight is up to two thirds of water.
Water has several roles:
• maintains body temperature around 37 ° C;
• ensures the sufficiency of the volume of blood and lymphatic fluid in the body;
• serves as a lubricant for joint and eye function;
• cleans the body and eliminates waste and toxins;
• moisturizes the skin;
• allows the brain to function well;
• facilitates digestion and intestinal transit;
• Drinking a large glass of water provides a full stomach feeling, so it can be effective in calming the urge to snack.

Being well hydrated is essential for health. As you get older, you must be careful not to dehydrate yourself. Indeed, the sensation of thirst decreases, the consumption of certain drugs such as diuretics and laxatives increases water loss. Signs of mild dehydration include fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, dry skin, constipation, muscle cramps.
Daily consumption for an adult is 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. However each person has water needs according to the size, the climate where she lives, the daily activities.

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