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بحث عن خصائص الطيور
The parakeet of Latham
Latham's Parakeet is a beautiful bird as noisy as it is colorful. It belongs to the family Psittacidae, which also includes parrots such as the blue-throated macaw or the red-fronted macaw, two highly endangered species. Lathamus discolor, from its scientific name, is native to Oceania and bears this name in reference to the famous ornithologist John Latham who studied in the eighteenth and nineteenth century the birds of Australia.

The albatross of the Galapagos
The Galapagos albatross has a long, dull yellow beak, brown eyes and prominent orbital ridges. Its head and neck are white, the neck pulls more on the yellow and the body goes from gray on the belly to dark brown on the back. The legs are slightly bluish and webbed.

The white-headed vulture
Trigonoceps occipitalis is a medium sized vulture weighing 4 to 5 kg. Wings unfolded, its wingspan is 2 to 2.3 meters, roughly equivalent to the African vulture (Gyps africanus) which is relatively small compared to European vultures for example. The female is slightly heavier and taller than the male, but one can not really talk about sexual imbalance at this level.

The eagle of the Philippines
The Eagle of the Apes is exclusively visible on the Philippine archipelago, composed of more than 7000 islands, of which it has been the emblem since 1995. The range of the raptor is however limited to those of Luçon, Leyte

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