محادثات انجليزية مكتوبة

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محادثات انجليزية مكتوبة


Jean-Marie and Elisabeth discuss about the composition of the government.

Elisabeth: You have seen, there are still more men than women in the government!

Jean-Marie: And that surprises you? I do not see where the problem is.

Elisabeth: But we have been talking about it for years and we are not able to reach parity.

Jean-Marie: It may be that parity is not objectively achievable ...

Elisabeth: How so? It is enough to name as many men as women in the government, and we do not talk about it anymore.

Jean-Marie: Yes, but if there are not enough competent women, why name someone incompetent on the grounds that it is a woman?

Elisabeth: No, but are you kidding? Do not you think what you're saying anyway?

Jean-Marie: But if! Frankly, there would be only women in power if they were better able to govern.

Elisabeth: No, but I think I'm dreaming! "Able to govern" ... because you think that men are genetically better able to govern, perhaps?

Jean-Marie: It's natural, men are physically stronger, so they are naturally more willing to hold the authority, that's it!

Elisabeth: They are especially intellectually weaker!

Jean-Marie: Oh yes? And how do you explain that there are almost only men who have not received a Nobel Prize until now? It's because they're stupid, is it?

Elisabeth: You mix everything! You mix everything, please stop. There is evidence that little girls perform better in school than boys.

Jean-Marie: Yes, yes ...

Elisabeth: It is the conditioning that our society imposes which makes that they do not necessarily pursue the studies that they could have ...

Jean-Marie: Oh, that's fine, huh!

Elisabeth: ... that they do not make the careers they could claim.

Jean-Marie: So you'll admit that in the end, we risk missing competent women if they are oriented towards formations that do not lead to power.

Elisabeth: It's a question of model and representativeness. How could girls identify with power if it is still embodied by a man? Well, we stop on this topic. You went shopping I hope.

Jean-Marie: Yes, yes.

Elisabeth: Well, you'll also take care of the meal and the laundry, I'm too tired to take care of it!

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