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the Internet

The Internet is a global, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" made up of millions of smaller national, academic, professional and government networks, which together transmit a variety of information and services, such as e-mail, online chat, file transfer, interconnected web pages and others. documents from the world wide web.

The launch of Sputnik by the USSR prompted the United States to establish the Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 to take a technological lead. [1] [2] ARPA created the Information Technology Technology Office (IPTO) to continue research on the semi-ground ground environment (SAGE) program, which for the first time networked radar systems nationwide. JCR Licklider was chosen to lead the IPTO and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.

Licklider had left the Harvard University Psychoacoustic Laboratory to move to MIT in 1950, after becoming interested in information technology. At MIT, he sat on a committee that created the Lincoln Laboratory and worked on the SAGE project. In 1957, he became Vice President of BBN, where he purchased the first PDP-1 production computer and led the first public time-sharing demonstration.

At IPTO, Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to lead a networking project, and this technology is based on the work of Paul Baran, who wrote a comprehensive study for the US Air Force recommending packet switching (by opposition to circuit switching). to make a network very robust and able to survive. After a lot of work, the first node came into service at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called ARPANET, one of today's "sleep" networks. Subsequently, the UK Post, Western Union International and Tymnet collaborated to create the first international packet-switched network, known as IPSS (International Packet Switched Service), in 1978. This network came from Europe and the United States. to cover Canada, Hong Kong and Australia in 1981.

The first TCP / IP-scale network was operational on January 1, 1983, when the US National Science Foundation (NSF) established a backbone network for universities, which would later become the NSFNet.

It was followed by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1985. Among the large and distinct networks offering gateways to and then merged with NSFNet are Usenet, BITNET and the various commercial and educational networks, such as X .25, Compuserve and JANET. Telenet (later called Sprintnet) is a large, privately funded, national computer network offering free remote access in all US cities and operating since the 1970s. This network eventually merged with others in the 1970s. 90, while the TCP / IP protocol has become more and more popular. The ability of TCP / IP to operate on these pre-existing communication networks, in particular the international IPSS X.25 network, has made it easy to grow. Use of the term "Internet" to describe a single global TCP / IP network at the origin of this period.

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