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برجراف عن what makes you laugh

The comic theater.

The etymology of the word bases the theater on the "gaze" (theatron, from the Greek verb theomai, "to see"). Its historical origins are complex. The theater participates in the religious ceremony in antiquity and was born around 550 BC. It has become over the centuries a literary genre and the playwright a creator conscious of his art. There are different kinds of theater and the one that interests us is the comic theater. More free in its form and anchored in the political current of the moment, the comedy seeks with laughter to emphasize and denounce the flaws of its contemporaries. Stuff, buffoonery, recourse to magic, provocative satire, grotesque figures of old men imbued and rolled in the flour by young men, it is also a matter of showing the spectators that they are not exempt from what makes them laugh; from this point of view, the comedy pursues with different means the same objectives as the tragedy.

B / The different comics.
In the 17th century, the notion of genre aroused great interest. The various theatrical genres have their own criteria established by the many theater theorists of the time. This interest illustrates the classic taste for order, etiquette and hierarchy. It was important for the playwright to obey his codes, otherwise he would not be understood by his audience. The theatrical genre best defined, and considered the best student, is ensure the tragedy. This explains that it is most popular in the second half of the 17th century, when a moral and religious order and a a clear separation of genres, which at the same time leads to the gradual disappearance of the genre of tragicomedy. The characteristics of comedy seem less distinct. There are nevertheless some recurring traits: medium-sized characters, topics that borrow from everyday life, writing and situations to make people laugh, a happy ending. These ingredients make possible different types of comedies: the comedian gallant, the joke, the comedian plot. The genius of Molière is to have used all of his comic springs to enrich the genre. He gives comedy its letters of nobility by inventing comedy of manners. It is so called because it represents the mores of an era and is articulated around a main character who is essentially determined by a trait of his own. Indeed, the Misanthrope is one of the finest examples of this type of comedy because in it it is the mores of the court that are portrayed. The author satirizes here with superficial social relations based on social image and entertainment. "To be frank and sincere is my greatest talent; I do not know how to play men by speaking. " (The Misanthrope act 3, scene 5).

  Apart from the comic of manners, this genre involves different processes:
 -The situation comic: this involves comic effects related to the situation. Indeed, this or that behavior of a character distinguished by a particular character trait that amuses society (travesty, effects of surprises, repetition of the same situation, misunderstandings ...). As in The bourgeois gentleman of Molière when Madame Jourdain returns home and finds her husband trying to seduce Dorimène.

  -The comic gesture: Inspired by the Commedia dell'arte and stemming from the tradition of farce such as falls, beatings, ridiculous positions, facial expressions, tones of the voice but also sometimes the costumes extravagant or ridiculous.
  -The comic of words: This comic mixes the levels of languages, the registers, it plays on the words, on their senses and their sonorities. In Les femmes learned, Molière evokes it while making laugh:
-The comic characters: the comic effect is produced by the painting of characters (moral traits peculiar to a social class: vices, ideas). Thus in Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Mr. Jourdain is obsessed with his desire to become a noble.

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