تعبير عن neighborhood
my neighborhood paragraph
تعبير عن الجيران بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن الحي الذي تسكن فيه
تعبير عن جيراني بالانجليزي
برجراف انجليزي عن الجيران
تعبير انجليزي عن my favorite place
describe your neighborhood paragraph
تعبير عن الحي الذي اعيش فيه بالانجليزي
عبير عن الجيران بالانجليزي قصير
برجراف عن neighborhood
تعبير عن جيراني بالانجليزي
بحث عن حقوق الجار باللغة الانجليزية
تعبير عن الحي بالانجليزي
حديث عن الجار بالانجليزي
صفات الجار الجيد
my neighborhood paragraph
كلمة جار بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي عن الصداقة الجيران
الإحسان إلى الجار - إنجليزي
مقالة باللغة الإنجليزية تتحدث عن الإحسان إلى الجيران

Respect your neighbors' rights
In a collective building, certain behaviors create disturbances in the neighborhood. From an amicable approach to recourse to justice, where the courts examine the  abnormal nature of the disorder, on a case-by-case basis, means exist to stop these
Living in a community building has almost inevitable disadvantages. It is necessary to bear a minimum of nuisances: the too high volume of a television, the cavalcades of the children on the upper floor, the smells of cooking ... These are normal discomforts, inseparable from the life in society. Certain behaviors may, however, exceed the disadvantages commonly accepted as normal, in order to become veritable "abnormal disturbances of the neighborhood". Even well-intentioned, an occupier, whether co-owner or tenant, can cause excessive harm to his neighbors. It is this type of behavior that the courts sanction.
Stop unnecessary noise
Any kind of noise (domestic, linked to a professional activity, cultural, sports, leisure ...) must not undermine the tranquility of the neighborhood, day and night.
A continuous bark, a moped that mocks, the repeated howls of a child ... are so many noise nuisances to be banished systematically.
• Site noise
They are authorized:
Between 7 am and 8 pm from Monday to Saturday (except bank holidays)
Except for urgent public interest interventions.
• Noisy devices, tools (drill, planer, saw) or gardening (lawn mower, power tiller ...)
• Noise is the main source of nuisance to quality of life. Any kind of noise should not affect the tranquility of others, day or night. And even before 10 pm, no one has the right to make excessive noise. The daytime noise, as well as the nocturnal noise, is forbidden and the fines are the same. The police or gendarmes can directly verbalize the troublemakers by fining them 68 euros.
• Schedules are therefore set for do-it-yourself activities (drill, planer, saw) and gardening (lawn mower, power tiller). To know them, you can check with your town hall or your prefecture. In general, these activities are authorized on working days from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 7 pm, on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 am and from 3 pm to 7 pm, on Sundays and public holidays from 10 am to 12 am.

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